
재미있는 동물 이야기1

푸른숲과물결85 2013. 2. 9. 16:00



재미있는 동물 이야기1



호랑이새끼가 있었습니다

Once upon a time, there was a cub of tiger.



나약한 호랑이는 아직 새끼인지라

This soft and spiritless tiger was since its so young




that whenever he go out of doors,



닭에게 쪼이고

was pecked by a chicken,



괭이에게 할키고

was clawed by a cat,



강아지에게 물리고....

was bited by a puppy.








호랑이새끼가 하루는 엄마호랑이에게 물었습니다

So that the baby tiger asked to his mommy tiger.



"엄마 나 호랑이 맞아?"

"Mom, am I a real tiger?"




Mommy replied,



"그래 호랑이지 그럼 ! 넌 호랑이란다"

"Sure, that's right, you are a tiger."








호랑이 새끼는 그런 엄마의 말에 호랑이 새끼라는 자부심을 가지고

The baby tiger has a pride of cub of tiger with his mom's encouragement,



다시 또 밖에 나가 놀면서 여전히

But still he has encountered again,



닭에게 쪼이고

was pecked by a chicken,



괭이에게 할키고

was clawed by a cat,



강아지에게 물리고....

was bited by a puppy.








다시 호랑이새끼가 엄마호랑이에게 물었습니다

So that the baby tiger asked his mommy tiger once again,



"엄마 나 정말 호랑이 맞아?"

"Mommy, am I truely a tiger?



"그럼! 그렇구말구 ! 니 털을 보렴 ! 넌 분명 호랑이란다"

Sure, indeed! See you fur! You are a tiger obviously!"









다시 호랑이새끼는 호랑이 자손이라는 자부심을 가지고 밖에 나가 놀았습니다

Again, the baby tiger played outside with a pride od descendants of tiger,



그러나 또

However, once again he was



닭에게 쪼이고

pecked by a chicken,



괭이에게 할키고

clawed by a cat



강아지에게 물리고.... 수난은 계속되었지요

and bitten by a puppy...his sufferings were continued








호랑이새끼가 다시 엄마호랑이에게 울면서 물었습니다

The baby tiger asked his mommy tiger once again with tears in his eyes.



"엄마 나 호랑이 정말 맞는거지?"

" Mommy, am I a real tiger, right?"



엄마는 자꾸 같은 질문을 되풀이하는 새끼에게 화가나서

Mommy got angry since he asked same questions repeatedly,



"그래! 넌 분명히 호랑이새끼란말야 이 개새끼야!!!"

"Right, obviously you are a cub of tiger, son of a bitch!



이렇게 말했답니다

She replied like this.



이 새끼 호랑이는 이 말을 듣고 그만 충격을 받아, 자살하고 말았답니다.

The poor baby tiger was killed himself sine he was shocked at this mom's speaking.